Thursday, August 4, 2011

Yikes its been a long time.

Kennedy posing at Alki Beach
Addison at Alki
Addison taking a break.

Kennedy's last day of preschool.
Addison ready for church.

So I haven't been very good about posting pictures of the girls. But since the weather has been nice it has been hard to go inside and sit at the computer. Hope you enjoy some of the summer fun we have been having here in the Seattle area.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Kennedy's 4 year pictures.

This face represents Kennedy perfectly!
Yes that is a Barbie tattoo! Adds a little something to the pale winter skin.

So sweet!
Kennedy's 4 year pictures. I can't believe how fast time flies.

Happy 4th Birthday Kennedy!

It is extremely difficult to get good pictures at a gymnastics party. Majority of her the tops of heads and the bottom of feet!
Addy and Gamma getting in on the action!

Great gift Papa! He even got Pascal!
Kennedy with her Barbie cake!

Happy Birthday Miss Kennedy Louise. We had a fun time bouncing at the gymnastics gym with 7 of Kennedy's friends. We love you Kennedy!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Our little Addy girl turns One!

Papa and Gramma on the day they left. I always seem to forget to take pictures until it is time to leave.
Addy kept getting into Gramma's suitcase.

At the Museum of Flight in Seattle.

The birthday britches from Gramma Busboom had a pink cupcake made of tulle and a candle. So cute.
Of course we wake up with a big scratch in the center of her forehead of the day of her pictures.

I can't believe it has already been one year since Miss Addison came into our lives. She is such a precious little girl that will melt your heart within seconds of meeting her. We had a fun party with Gramma and Papa Busboom and the local neighbors. Plus, we received lots of phone calls from family back in Illinois. Happy 1st Birthday Addison, we love you!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy 2011!

Christmas Morning!

Playing Semis with Koby
Grandma & Grandpa
Grandpa Kearns
Grandma Kearns
Addy and Lynnie
Addy and Dalton
Grandma Busboom falling off the sled Again!
Kennedy and Grandma sledding
Papa and girls
Addy and Keagan
Cousin hugs are the best!

We had a marvelous time in Illinois over the holidays visiting family and friends. Not only did we celebrate Christmas but Miss Addy was baptized as well. She was baptized where Patrick and I were married and the church I grew up in. Here are some pictures highlighting our trip. Best wishes in the new year!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Halloween Night- Kennedy is Barbie, Addy is Spider
Halloween Party
Halloween Party #1-Kennedy-Sleeping Beauty

Making a bat with light brites.
Halloween Party #2- Kennedy is Tinkerbelle

Girls camping at the Seattle Childrens Museum

Halloween was great in the Seattle area. Kennedy had lots of fun running to every house with all the neighborhood kids. She was the youngest but she didn't tire out at all. Addison is growing so fast some of our latest tricks include walking along furniture, clapping and pulling up on everything.

Who needs toys?

This is how I found K after her bath watching a little tv.

Water Babies

A tractor more my size

Driving a big tractor

Getting ready to go to church

Can I fit? Yep, sure can.

Sweet girl

Love this vacuum hates the real one.